Are You Trapped in the Prison Cell of Your Own Mind?

The mind has the power to comprehend and interpret all that we see, read, hear, and experience. This makes our mind the most powerful tool that every human has in his control. But if the roles are reversed, and one subconsciously allows the mind to take control of our actions and decisions, it becomes very difficult to wriggle free from the webs of limited perceptions, negativities, and unmindfulness. Divya Madan, in her book “Demystifying Love: Saga of Unknown,” has emphasized the vitality of self-realization and meditation on the inner being and its positive impacts on our life. Amidst our busy, chaotic lives, we tend to give in to our subconscious mind and inadvertently allow it to take over our understandings, our decision-making ability, and eventually, our very personality. The experiences that you encounter, the people you meet, the discussions you participate in or overhear are what develop the subconscious state of mind. Buy on Amazon People fear failures. It’s nat...