Are You Trapped in the Prison Cell of Your Own Mind?
The mind has the power to comprehend and interpret all that we see, read, hear, and experience. This makes our mind the most powerful tool that every human has in his control. But if the roles are reversed, and one subconsciously allows the mind to take control of our actions and decisions, it becomes very difficult to wriggle free from the webs of limited perceptions, negativities, and unmindfulness.
Madan, in her book “Demystifying
Love: Saga of Unknown,” has emphasized the vitality of self-realization and
meditation on the inner being and its positive impacts on our life. Amidst our
busy, chaotic lives, we tend to give in to our subconscious mind and
inadvertently allow it to take over our understandings, our decision-making
ability, and eventually, our very personality. The experiences that you
encounter, the people you meet, the discussions you participate in or overhear
are what develop the subconscious state of mind.
People fear failures. It’s natural. But what’s harmful
is when these fears cloud our mind to the extent that it keeps us from even
trying out new opportunities. A restrained mind tends to keep us from exploring
our full potential. Your mind instills in you the belief that you are not
capable enough of achieving your goals. Do not let your mind diminish your
potential. Recall all your past accomplishments, your strengths, and regain
your confidence and self-belief. Never let anyone undermine your capabilities,
especially your own self!
Frequent analysis over our own thought-process helps
us to develop critical thinking ability, which in turn can enable us to train
our mind. Being skeptical, using different perspectives to view any matter,
being mindful, and meditating in isolation are some important elements to help
regain control over your mind.
Every human brain functions differently. What you need
to do is surround yourself with supportive, positive people. Be open to learn
and allow yourself to absorb the productive mindsets of the people around you.
Free yourself of overthinking, anxieties, negative thoughts. Learn to focus on
the brighter side of the picture, and you’ll find yourself improving
Madan is a well-recognized, gifted Cosmic Healer with Clairaudient
and Clairvoyant abilities. She is an author, entrepreneur, Ayurveda
nutritionist, energy medicine practitioner, life coach, a spiritual mentor. Her
book “Demystifying Love: Saga of Unknown”
ISBN: 1801280479, stimulates the readers to recognize any dissonance in
their lives and release such negative energy blocks with innovative and
proficient practices to cultivate lasting healthy changes in all areas of their
lives. Moreover, the book helps to build strength, flexibility, and endurance
develop deep compassionate companionship of body, mind, and soul. This wholesome
harmony leads to mental-emotional freedom and holistic healing.
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