Are You Keeping Up with the New Dynamics of Wealth Generation?


The 21st Century brought with it immense technological advancements and modern scientific breakthroughs that have altered the course of human life for the better. The chances of people encountering new career opportunities have never before been so numerous. New innovations are taking place more rapidly. And with the introduction of new generations of broadband network technologies, the means of online operations have increased manifold. As a result, technology also has advanced and diversified the business sector.

Hilary Hinchcliffe, in her book, “The Better Business Brain, presents an intriguing concept by highlighting the importance of exploring new opportunities in life. She aims to encourage readers to develop a creative mind and to keep up with the new means of generating income and becoming wealthy.

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Are You Still Entrapped in the Employee Mindset?

The 9 to 5 work cycle is considered as the primary and the only source of earning for many people even today. While it makes both ends meet and sustains a living for you and your family, the benefits of it end just here. There is no way to generate a sustainable income even if you work round the clock, as there is no job security. You never know when you’ll get laid off, especially in this pandemic period.

The paycheck you earn comes with the cost of time freedom. You have no time to spend with your family. The workload and job pressure are always hovering over your mind. Do a self-check on what your job is making you miss out on, and start considering various ways to help grow your mind and progress.

What Does it Mean to Be Wealthy?

What is your perception of living a wealthy life?

Being Wealth does not mean that you earn a big paycheck that fulfills your basic and luxurious needs while having to bear all the workload and compromise on your health and time. Being wealthy means having a source of income that would make you money even if you are not working. And that’s where the concept of residual income comes in. And this is why big business tycoons are among the wealthiest people in the world.

Explore New Opportunities:

Fore mostly, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Start interacting with new people. Is your social circle creative, and do they have a productive mindset? Do they come up with creative ideas to embark on different opportunities in life? If not, then you need to find yourself a new one. A positive, creative social circle enhances our ability and mind to progress.

It’s important to develop a healthy mind. Keep your thought-process creative, and work hard to achieve your dreams and goals in life.


Author’s Bio:

Hilary Hinchcliffe has spent many years studying Spirit at seminaries while at the same time failing orthodoxy. It seems to him that Spirit and orthodoxy do not necessarily work together. The hunger for Spirit has been alive throughout the ages and expresses itself in different ways. Despite our technology, progress, and advancement, we still crave the Spirit. Hilary Hinchcliffe’s deep contemplation on the concept of consciousness made him decide to write a book on it to summarize his thoughts. With his book, “The Better Business Brain” ASIN: B08SJ39FW1, he aims to provide an easy and informative read, including examples of raising our consciousness in the business environment to assist the readers.


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