How Can We Play Our Part to End Racism?

As much as it’s sad, it’s also appalling that in the 21st Century, racism still seems to be prevalent in many countries. There are people who still have pathetic mindsets that judge people by the color of their skin. Racism has always been a hot topic faced by immigrants in the past and present. Racist people expound their hate and insensitive acts on baseless grounds, targeting weak minorities and depriving them of their basic human rights.

Samira Hussein, author of the book, “The Queendom of Ara Woman (aka-Araweelo),” sheds light on the many challenges, hardships, and troubles that an African woman goes through as an immigrant in a foreign country. She not only elaborates the plight of minorities but also presents a strong, daring character who overcomes each obstacle and stands with a firm commitment to herself to never settle for less than what she deserves. This book will surely inspire readers of all ages, and help uplift the spirits of each person who faces subjugation owing to racism.

1.      Nurturing Students in School:

It’s important to teach students about kindness, diversity, acceptance and other ethical values. Most of the intolerance we see today is because of the lack of action taken in schools on racism at an early stage. Great responsibility lies on the management and teachers in the school, to encourage children to value their fellow classmates belonging to different backgrounds with equal love and friendliness.

2.      Speak Out Against Hate Speech and inequality:

Whether you are at a mall, or simply having a walk in the park, wherever you are, if you observe a person being targeted, then raise your voice against it. Let them know that there are people who care for them and will stand by them.

3.      Acknowledge Other Cultures:

Celebrating their festivities is a way to show your love and respect for their cultures. Welcome them to your celebrations and participate in theirs’s, so as to maintain a positive and happy environment.

4.      Zero Tolerance Toward Harassment

Physical attacks and harassment on any individual are unacceptable, nor are verbal slurs. Name and shame those who are exploiting other people. Know that each person deserves the same level of respect and dignity.

5.      Support Organizations

Support organizations that work hard to preserve the rights of individuals. Show support either financially or by being a part and working as a volunteer to help out those in need.


Author’s Bio:

The author, Samira Hussein, is someone who has a real knack for storytelling? She believes in

facing all the adversities in life steadfastly, and it’s quite evident in her story. Her book, “The Queendom of Ara Woman (aka-Araweelo),” entails the many aspects of a Black African Woman’s life, highlighting the struggle and hardships they go through every day. The feeling of being subjugated and getting fewer opportunities only on the basis of one’s skin color. The main fictional character, “Araweelo” is very close to her heart, and many people can look up to her as a role model.


The book is an excellent yet inspirational piece of literature and stimulates the

readers to face all their problems courageously.


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