Some worst habits that make people gain weight


There are so many people who keep on gaining weight even after increasing their daily step count and ask themselves ‘Why I am not losing weight?’. It’s because they aren’t making any changes to their daily habits.  

And the pointless guilt trip over a few innocent indulgences – the chocolate lava cake you ordered after eating a healthy vegan meal or eating the whole week’s stock of chips while binging on the whole Gossip Girl series- it’s not the infrequent extravagances one should focus on. If your calorie count is not decreasing stop expecting a dent on the weight scale.

Here are some common bad habits that are behind you getting fat:

Bad habit 1: You prefer eating low-fat foods

Call me crazy, but I’m telling you to stop buying foods that are labeled fat-free or low-fat. And there are reasons for that. First thing’s first, fat doesn’t make anyone fat. If you think that low-fat edible products save you huge amounts of calories then you are totally wrong; they just only cut back on few calories.

It’s because food brands replace the harmless fat with carbohydrates and other chemicals which are more harmful. They digest quickly leading to a sugar rush which means you’ll crave food again after a short period of time. A study also revealed that meals with limited carbs are more satiating than meals with higher carbohydrates. The good fat content in meals makes them more filling and causes people to eat less in their next meal, but less fat means you’ll eat a lot more later.

Bad habit 2: You have grabby hands

You’re in the grocery store, at the work, anywhere, and you start getting some hunger cues. The easiest solution is to grab what’s convenient- and most of the time, we choose junk food.

Some better bets include a homemade sandwich, any fresh fruit, few carrots, a smoothie or a trail mix. Understand your cravings and have snack items at your fingertips.

Bad habit 3: Too much or too few zzz's

It is now scientifically proven that not getting enough sleep makes people feel hungry even when they are full because the loss of sleep affects cortisol levels – a hormone that also regulates appetite. Researchers also noted that sleeping less than 5 hours or less increases the chance of putting on 21/2 times more fat around the waistline. An average of 6 to 7 hours of sleep daily is essential for weight control. But again, if you spend more than half of your day sleeping then you are not moving and burning your calories.

Bad habit 4: You love taking big bites

Human bodies have one major flaw that it takes more than 10 minutes to realize that the stomach had enough. Research conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claim that fast-eating people who take large bites consume 52% more calories than people who take small bites and chew food properly. When you eat slow you think have eaten more.

Bad habit 5: You do binge-eating

It’s no secret that binge-watching triggers binge-eating. Sitting in front of your laptop or TV with a big packet of chips of coke would obviously lead to mindless eating as your whole attention is being diverted to the movie. Studies found that people who get distracted while eating usually eat more snack food afterward than those who pay attention to their plate – most didn’t even remember how many pizza slices they ate.

So if you’re going to snack tonight while you watch your favorite Netflix series, make sure you snack on something healthy like baked veggie chips or air-popped popcorn and don’t refill.

Bad habit 6: Having obese friends

If your life partner or friends do binge-eating, 57% chances are that you will binge-eat too. This needs to stop. It’s not like I am suggesting you to distance yourself from your chubby friends! Instead of going out to eat in a new restaurant, plan physical activities like playing a sports game. This way, you’ll burn the stored fat while having fun.

Bad habit 7: You eat dinner after 9 pm

It’s not because your metabolism shuts down after 9 pm – that’s a common myth. But it is completely true that late-night eaters expand quickly from the midsection than those who ate their last meal of the day early. It’s because people who starve themselves the whole day end up eating more and sometimes choose unhealthy foods high in sodium, sugar, and fat.

Author Bio

Kimi Verma is a full-time nutritionist and life coach. She’s on a mission to help people transform their lives by ditching the fad diets and replacing them with some small lifestyle changes for achieving ultimate health. In her best-selling book ‘50 hacks for weight loss she has discussed why dieting can fail and shares the mini secrets that can help people excess fats but also regulate digestion, boost immunity, and improve mood. If you are on the lookout for someone who can assist you with your health goals, she’s the right person to talk to.


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